Network of CCI France International

Worldwide Partners of Companies

119 French Chambers of Commerce in 94 countries

French Chambers of Commerce and Industry Abroad, are independent association under local law, gathering French and international companies in that country. They belong to a worldwide business network of 33,000 French and international companies in 94 countries. The French CCI have operated with auto-finance at 99%.

These 119 Chambers of Commerce are located in:

  • 37 in Europe
  • 22 in North America
  • 20 in Asia - Oceania
  • 19 in South and Central America
  • 13 in Africa
  • 9 in Middle East

850 bicultural collaborators are working in permanent in all Chambers around the world. 

The network, unique in its kind and generate all of its resources, plays an important role in the animation of French business community abroad and support French companies who want to expand internationally. 

Find French Chambers of Commerce in Asia

With a strong presence in 21 countries, the mission of the French Chambers of Commerce in Asia is to animate the French business community locally and foster trade relations between France and their respective countries.

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