Join the 1st network of French Business Community in Thailand

Officially recognized by France as a Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the FTCC’s main missions are: 

  • To promote trade and investment between France and Thailand
  • To propose a framework favourable to the expansion of relations between its members, as well as with the French and Thai business communities in general
  • To support the commercial effort of French companies in Thailand as well as Thai companies in France

The FTCC currently represents 280 member companies and new companies join us every year.

Join us

Become a Premium Member

For more benefits, apply for our premium packages.

The FTCC Premium Packages is an all-inclusive package tailored to answer your company’s specific needs whether you are looking for networking opportunities, corporate visibility or both.

Contact us via email.

For more information, please contact us:

Valentin VILLEMIN Business Development Manager
+66 (0) 97 001 0831 valentin(@)
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