Bilans d’évènement
Past Event l EAC committee at Utapao
On November 24, the European Aerospace Committee (EAC) - a joint Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) / Thai European Business Associationinitiate...
Présidents du Comité
Mr. Pierre Jaffre & Mr. Tatiya Meemeskul
Personne en charge du comité
Séverine Clément - Executive Director
Bilans d’évènement
On November 24, the European Aerospace Committee (EAC) - a joint Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) / Thai European Business Associationinitiate...
Bilans d’évènement
On Monday 7th November 2022, the European Aerospace Committee (EAC) – a joint Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) / Thai-European Business...