Actus des entreprises
Book Launch: "Women who Inspire"
The co-authors book 'Women Who Inspire' is coming to life in the upcoming weeks...
This book is the joint effort of 30 special women invited by MENA Speakers willing to make a difference in the world, inspiring, empowering women via this book and also children via funds raising. The purpose is to share our powerful journeys from career to personal life matters. This book will be published in December and sold on digital platforms. It will also be available in the book fairs happening in various regions across the globe.
Part of the funds will be donated to the foundation Al Jalila, a non-profit organization dedicated to Health research to save lives and children's education in Middle East & Africa as well in other international projects. For further information, visit their website:
This extra dose of motivation and inspiration is much needed in these complex times.
If you wish to be part of this journey in any way possible, contact us @ and we'll make it happen!
#empoweringwomen #womenpower #womeninitiative #womenspeakers #inspiration #womenwhoinspire #womenwhoinspire2020
@expertsmarket @menaspeakers