VitalLife: BTL VANQUISH ME & Cool Sculpting devices


New non-surgical fat elimination devices from 

VitalLife Aesthetic Center


Belly fat? Underarm fat? Under chin fat? Etc. Wondering how to get rid of them?

CoolSculpting and Vanquish ME are our two popular non-surgical body contouring procedures that help get rid of unwanted body fat.

CoolSculpting uses freezing technology to freeze away about 25% of fat and is ideal for smaller, localized fat deposits.

Vanquish ME second generation is VitalLife’s latest addition that uses heat to melt fat away without pain or discomfort. It uses the industry’s largest spot size that covers the abdomen from flank to flank, cumulatively improving circumferential reduction. Most clients see a 35% reduction in fat cells. The VANQUISH ME is usually combined with X-Wave that helps increase blood circulation and waist termination.

The BTL X-Wave can be used with both devices: BTL VANQUISH ME and Cool Sculpting

To tighten loose, saggy and wrinkled skin, we use infrared and radio frequency therapy. This technology safely heats the skin’s deep layers to initiate more collagen production. Treatments usually last under an hour, and unlike other treatments, there is no downtime, bruising or pain.

If you need more information about our latest devices, VitalLife Aesthetic Center can help you! Don’t think twice and call +66 2066 8899 or email: info(@)

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