[WEBINAR] Energy & Infrastructure Joint Networking Webinar
Organised by 7 French Chambers, this webinar is a unique opportunity to expand your network in the region!
Working in or with the Energy and Infrastructure sector? Looking forward to increasing your company’s visibility and meeting your peers from the other French Chambers? Join us in this Joint Networking Webinar!
Organised by the French Chambers in Singapore, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, this webinar is a unique opportunity to build valuable connections with your peers from the region through a series of brief conversations.
During the session, you will join a few breakout rooms, each breakout room comprising attendees from different Chambers. Each breakout room will last 15 minutes: you will introduce yourself, your company and discuss subject matters such as opportunities and challenges that you are facing. You will then join another breakout room for another 15 minutes to network with your peers in the region.
Terms & Conditions:
- The Zoom link will be sent a day prior to the event.
- Please note that photographs may be taken during the event for news and publicity purposes.
For more information, please contact Emily Jiang: ejiang@fccsingapore.com
[WEBINAR] Energy & Infrastructure Joint Networking Webinar
L'événement est terminé.