GTCC Business Women Networking: Conquering 2021's challenges with 2020's lessons learned
Tarif :
Admission Fee*: 700 THB
* Price includes finger food & free flow of wine
L'événement est terminé.
The Franco-Thai Chamber of commerce along with the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) is delighted to invite you and your friends to:
GTCC Business Women Networking: Conquering 2021's challenges with 2020's lessons learned
As the year of unprecedented challenges enters its final month, we wonder what 2021 will bring and how can we thrive for success?
Although the future still seems pretty uncertain, we can prepare our best. Let us look back to what we have learned in this year and get ready to conquer 2021. Join us for a unique women-only networking in a fireside chat setup to exchange and engage in an open discussion on the followings:
- What did not work for us as business women in 2020?
- What will we do differently to improve and conquer next year?
- What will be continuing? And What new challenges will we face in 2021?
- How can we support each other to improve our essential skills/mindsets to achieve our goals in 2021?
Special festive touch!
Let's bid farewell to 2020 and supersize the fun at this special evening together! Join us in a gift exchange session (gift value of THB 300 or more) and show up in your favorite "festive celebration" theme outfit.
About "GTCC Business Women Network":
A platform for business women to network with female leaders, expat business women, talented female young professionals and interns in an intercultural context connect & grow. Together, they can benefit from this initiative by developing their ideas, gain even more professional know-how and participate in various networking events and seminars. We also offer a great opportunity for business women to participate as a volunteer working group to initiate new ideas for and/or moderate our future events.
Please follow us on GTCC Business Women Facebook!
- Strictly no walk-ins policy is in place to facilitate proper space management and covid-19 safety measures implementation. Our online registration will be automatically closed when maximum capacity has been reached.
- This event accepts online payment only and pre-payment is required to complete the registration. If you wish to use a bank transfer option, please email your payment slip together with your detail (name, company name, position, telephone number, and email) to communications(@)
Modalités d'accès
GTCC Business Women Networking: Conquering 2021's challenges with 2020's lessons learned
L'événement est terminé.