La Chambre

Opportunity Thailand, Innovation – Driven Economy, Thailand 4.0

The FTCC has recently joined the seminar on “Opportunity Thailand, Innovation – Driven Economy” organized by the Board of Investment to promote investment opportunities in Thailand and share with the global community the Thailand 4.0 model driven by value-based economy.


The seminar was presided over by the Prime Minister who delivered the keynote speech on “Thailand 4.0 Means Opportunity Thailand”. Other key figures joining the event and speaking on how to drive Thailand 4.0 into reality are, for example, Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Somkid Jatusripitak, Minister attached to the Prime Minister Office Dr. Suvit Maesincee and Industry Minister Dr. Uttama Savanayana highlighting the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) project as well as key figures in the business sector, such as Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont of CP Group and Mr. Pierre Jaffre of Airbus Group.


The seminar also included breakout sessions on New S-curve Industries, including aerospace, automation and robotics and medical devices, with key speakers in such respective sectors.


All documents presented at the seminar can be downloaded via 


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